Would you take 15 minutes a day to change your life?Sersano_Banner_Clock

Being mindful is easier than you think. A small shift in perspective can create an avalanche of improvement.

In 15 minutes or less each day, Sersano will teach you how to become more present in the moment. Our simple exercises incorporate basic meditation and breathing techniques combined with relaxing movements to help you refocus and reenergize. Countless studies have shown that mindfulness brings out the best in all of us both mentally and physiologically, releasing our true potential. At Sersano, we make mindfulness easy.


Dr. Jenny Gumm
Dr. Jenny GummFounder
Sersano founder Dr. Jenny Gumm is passionate about bringing mindfulness practice to organizations and individuals in practical, approachable ways. A talented speaker, consultant, and workshop leader, Jenny’s personal mindfulness practice and business experience make her the right choice to introduce clients to the power of mindfulness.
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Warren Lange
Warren LangeConsultant
Sharing his personal experience with individuals and organizations, Warren teaches mindfulness leading to awareness, while getting to the root cause of stress. Warren places a high value on providing a learning experience that caters to individual needs, whether in a business or private setting.
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Would you take 15 minutes a day to change your life?

  • Experience greater positivity
  • Improve time management
  • Increase your sense of gratitude
  • Get better, deeper sleep
  • Boost productivity
  • Improve listening skills
  • Reduce stress
  • Break unhealthy cycles
  • Bolster mental toughness
  • Drive meaningful personal connections

Sersano (“healthy-self” in Spanish) was established on the belief that health goes beyond the absence of disease in the body, and that true well-being incorporates the emotional, mental and physical aspects of the whole person. Unlike the many wellness practices today that only address one aspect of health, mindfulness practice is whole-person strength training that drives quicker, more impressive results.

A lifelong learner, Sersano Founder Dr. Gumm took a break from the corporate world in 2012 to complete her doctorate in Education with a focus on Organizational Change. During this time, she was able to delve deeply into yoga and meditation, which shaped her doctoral research on the impacts of stress on individuals and organizations. She designed and tested the first Breathe, Move, Pause program, which focuses on helping individuals develop better coping and stress management skills. When participants reported a 30% or greater reduction in their stress level within just a few weeks, Dr. Gumm understood the transformative power of becoming even just a little more mindful.

Since this discovery, Sersano has been dedicated to helping individuals and teams develop a simple mindfulness practice they can use to release the tensions and stressors of everyday situations, both at work and at home.

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What people are saying:

  • I feel calmer and more level-headed.
  • I’m sleeping better.
  • With increase in stress of work, my stress level hasn’t raised as much as I expected.
  • It was like hitting the reset button for all those who participated on the most stressful of days. It was an opportunity to re-focus for everyone. Very worthwhile. Thank you.
  • It helped me maintain my balance and re-establish my priorities.
  • I have been able to get into relaxed state more quickly..
  • I don’t think I have to make split decisions.  I think before I decide.  I feel a little bit more focused.
  • Helped me just let things go and not let them get to me.

A Look into the Sersano Experience: TH Hilson

Employee wellness has always been a focus at TH Hilson, so CEO Lori Hilson decided to implement a new program to address stress in the workplace.

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