Many of us have no choice but to spend much of our day sitting, whether we are at our desk, in a car, or reading or watching something on one of our devices. It may seem harmless, and in many cases a necessity, however, within 30 minutes of sitting, your body begins to shut down and your executive functioning, which includes decision making, empathy, and strategizing is impacted. This means just when you need to do your best thinking and you are powering through to complete a task or assignment, you may be unable to tap into your most creative ideas. Extended periods of sitting can also be harmful to your health, leading to higher rates of cardiovascular disease and a diminished ability to concentrate. So finding ways to incorporate movement during the day is critical.

Research has shown that by just moving for one to two minutes every 30 minutes to one hour can lower the risks associated with sitting for long periods. It can also help you reset, so you feel less stressed, more focused and engaged. There are simple ways that you can bring movement into your day, even if you have a desk job, as seen in this NPR video. (Although I am not a fan of fidgeting, the rest is pretty good.)

Moving your body triggers your brain to re-energize, causing your muscles to engage, which activates your brain receptors. This allows you to reset and bring your mind into the present moment, where you can be your most effective and focused.

Even just the simple act of repositioning your body will change your perspective and cultivate a shift in your attention.

When working at your computer for long hours becomes the norm, remind yourself that we are not meant to sit all day. When you find yourself sitting for extended periods of time, try incorporating regular planned movement throughout your day. An effective technique is to set reminders on your phone, computer, watch, or fitness wristband. You don’t need to break for jumping jacks, but you do need to get up, stretch, grab some water, or go to the bathroom. It takes minimal effort and your mental and physical health will thank you.